How Much Trans-Resveratrol Should I Take?


If you're trying to figure out how much trans-resveratrol to take or a daily serving amount, you've come to the right place. We're going to break down some of the most common questions about this compound and how much is recommended for different populations.

The Sources Vary...

While Resveratrol has been studied for decades, and the supplement industry would like you to believe 250 mg or 500 mg or even 1,000 mg is the proper daily dose. The data available from trails ranges from 10 mg a day to 500 mg per day. The legendary Anti-Aging Harvard Researcher and Author Dr. David Sinclair (50) does not advise amounts for anyone but himself. And claims he takes one gram daily with yogurt or olive oil.

There are few side-effects known from taking too much Resveratrol (studies where subjects took more than 1 gram experience GI discomfort). The European Food Safety Authority reviewed Trans-Resveratrol for consumption as a novel food in 2015 and found 150 mg per day was a safe amount. Other studies currently show benefits at 250 mg or 500 mg, you should still do some heavy research before attempting to take more much than this.

An article on nutrients by reviewed over 20 studies for the effects of weight-loss from Resveratrol supplementation, the mg/kg of body weight taken in each study varied although 150 mg per day seemed to be the median amount used2. But the article concludes there were no clear conclusive results found across the studies when targeting weight-loss effects.

A 2010 study published in “The Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences"1 found a dose between 0.5 and 1 mg/kg resulted in a significant reduction in mortality risk while an optimal dose was determined to be 3 mg/kg (or 210 mg/day for a 70 kg adult).

This data shows there's no wrong or right answer when it comes to dosage because some people may need less than what others have gotten results with. But it seems pretty safe to say a dose between 150 mg and 250 mg per day is a good start and you can increase from there if you don't experience discomfort like nausea, diarrhea, or other symptoms of GI distress.

Adult Women

  • Age 25 - 29: Not enough studies available

  • Age 30 - 44: Study conducted in type II diabetic patients, 10mg resveratrol daily (in two divided doses) improved insulin sensitivity. This was not on the pancreatic level, but on the cellular level as assessed by normalization in Akt phosphorylation.

  • Age 45 - 64: One study of men and women aging 45 - 64 and 65+ showed 10 mg daily for 3 months increased Flow Mediated Vasodilation (biomarker for blood flow) and increased left ventricular heart function.

  • Age 65+: One study of men and women aging 45 - 64 and 65+ showed 10mg daily for 3 months increased Flow Mediated Vasodilation (biomarker for blood flow) and increased left ventricular heart function.

The recommended dosage for adults is 0.5-1 g of resveratrol per day. If you're not sure what that means, it's about 10 mg for every kilogram of body weight you have (for example, if you weigh 70 kg/154 lbs your daily resveratrol dosage would be 700 mg). This is a recommendation based on the current research available on ResVida™ and how much resveratrol we recommend taking in order to experience its benefits without risking any side effects.

Adult Men

  • Age 25 - 29: N/A

  • Age 30 - 44: Study conducted in type II diabetic patients, 10mg resveratrol daily (in two divided doses) improved insulin sensitivity. This was not on the pancreatic level, but on the cellular level as assessed by normalization in Akt phosphorylation.

  • Age 45 - 64: One study of men and women aging 45 - 64 and 65+ showed 10 mg daily for 3 months increased Flow Mediated Vasodilation (biomarker for blood flow) and increased left ventricular heart function.

  • Age 65+: One study of 65+ aged males taking 250 mg per day improved health parameters (LDL-C, HDL-C, blood pressure, oxygen uptake)


It's important to remember that while resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant and may have plenty of health benefits, it's still unclear what the right dosage is for humans. The best way to get enough resveratrol in your diet is by eating foods rich in this nutrient.


  1. EFSA Journal
    Safety of synthetic trans-resveratrol as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 258/97
  2. Nutrients -
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