Dexter er altid optimist og har en unik evne til at se det positive i selv de værste situationer. Fra hans år i Sydøstasien til de sene nætter i laboratoriet, hvor han søgte efter hemmelighederne bag kræftmetabolismen, har intet i Dexters liv været almindeligt. Dexter har altid været en eventyrer i hjertet, og denne tankegang har fået ham til hele tiden at udforske vores verdens mysterier. Når han ikke underviser, træner, forsker eller skaber, elsker Dexter at være aktiv og dyrke sport. Som forsker har han udgivet værker om fytokemikalier, kosttilskud, metabolisme og onkogenese.
Our diet can greatly impact the effectiveness of supplements we take, by either increasing or decreasing its absorption and bioavailability. The question is how we can use this knowledge to avoid losing...
Our diet can greatly impact the effectiveness of supplements we take, by either increasing or decreasing its absorption and bioavailability. The question is how we can use this knowledge to avoid losing...
The question of longevity, or extending human lifespan, is a difficult one to answer. There are multiple factors that influence aging, through different molecular pathways and metabolisms. One of the molecules that influences...
The question of longevity, or extending human lifespan, is a difficult one to answer. There are multiple factors that influence aging, through different molecular pathways and metabolisms. One of the molecules that influences...
Are you a longevity enthusiast who would like to know more about the intricate pathways that happen in our cells? Are the words "mitochondrial theory of aging" and "oxidative stress"...
Are you a longevity enthusiast who would like to know more about the intricate pathways that happen in our cells? Are the words "mitochondrial theory of aging" and "oxidative stress"...