Laura Lam, B.A., BHsc (Human Nutrition), Grad Dip (Public Health)
Laura er forfatter med en akademisk baggrund inden for human ernæring og folkesundhed. Hun brænder for videnskabelig kommunikation og befolkningens sundhed og bruger sin ekspertise til at omsætte videnskabelige resultater til tilgængeligt indhold, der giver enkeltpersoner mulighed for at træffe informerede beslutninger om deres sundhed. Hendes mål er at skabe en større forståelse for betydningen af ernæring og livsstilsvalg for at fremme sundhed og velvære blandt sine læsere. Nogle af hendes forskningsinteresser omfatter ernæringsepidemiologi, nutrigenomics, sportsernæring og nutraceuticals.
Our diet can greatly impact the effectiveness of supplements we take, by either increasing or decreasing its absorption and bioavailability. The question is how we can use this knowledge to avoid losing...
Our diet can greatly impact the effectiveness of supplements we take, by either increasing or decreasing its absorption and bioavailability. The question is how we can use this knowledge to avoid losing...
The question of longevity, or extending human lifespan, is a difficult one to answer. There are multiple factors that influence aging, through different molecular pathways and metabolisms. One of the molecules that influences...
The question of longevity, or extending human lifespan, is a difficult one to answer. There are multiple factors that influence aging, through different molecular pathways and metabolisms. One of the molecules that influences...
Are you a longevity enthusiast who would like to know more about the intricate pathways that happen in our cells? Are the words "mitochondrial theory of aging" and "oxidative stress"...
Are you a longevity enthusiast who would like to know more about the intricate pathways that happen in our cells? Are the words "mitochondrial theory of aging" and "oxidative stress"...