David Biederman, zert. Krankenpfleger

David Biederman, zert. Krankenpfleger
David ist Familienpfleger und Autor. Er verfügt über umfangreiche klinische Erfahrung als alleiniger Anbieter in einer Praxis für Grundversorgung und hat in einer Einzelhandelsklinik, bei Hausbesuchen und in der Telemedizin sowie als Privatpfleger gearbeitet. Er ist als staatlich geprüfter Krankenpfleger und Familienpfleger klinisch qualifiziert und zugelassen. David hat einen Bachelor of Arts in Geschichte und einen Master of Science in Krankenpflege, für den er ein Graduiertenstipendium erhalten hat.

Articles by David:


    • How much leucine should I take?

      How much leucine should I take?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      How much leucine should you take? Keep reading this article and find out what is your ideal leucine dosage.

      How much leucine should I take?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      How much leucine should you take? Keep reading this article and find out what is your ideal leucine dosage.

    • What is the optimal lysine dosage?

      What is the optimal lysine dosage?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      Lysine is one of the nine essential amino acids your body cannot produce, which means taking it through food and supplements is crucial. Taking lysine supplements can help you treat...

      What is the optimal lysine dosage?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      Lysine is one of the nine essential amino acids your body cannot produce, which means taking it through food and supplements is crucial. Taking lysine supplements can help you treat...

    • Do HIIT and Zone 2 workouts influence longevity?

      Do HIIT and Zone 2 workouts influence longevity?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      Are you curious about finding out how you can influence longevity by training? Do you want to be the captain of your ship? Keep reading to find out how you...

      Do HIIT and Zone 2 workouts influence longevity?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      Are you curious about finding out how you can influence longevity by training? Do you want to be the captain of your ship? Keep reading to find out how you...

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