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Augment Life

Trans-Resveratrol – Pulver – Reinheit > 99,5%

Trans-Resveratrol – Pulver – Reinheit > 99,5%

15 Bewertungen insgesamt

Normaler Preis €46,50
Normaler Preis €48,00 Verkaufspreis €46,50
Sale Ausverkauft
About Trans-Resveratrol

Includes FREE 500 MG measuring spoon

Resveratrol is a polyphenol abundant in grape skin and seeds and a dietary supplement with many important health benefits. All living things have genes called Sirtuins in nearly every one of their cells. Mammals have 7 types of sirtuins. These control epigenome and DNA repair. Sirtuin1 or SIRT1, stimulates autophagy among other functions. STACS: Compounds that activate sirtuins are called STACS (Sirtuin Activating Compounds). These signal Sirtuins that they are in an adverse situation such as calorie restriction or extreme physical exertion. Scientists have been tracking down STACS to find ways to mimic low-calorie diets and exercise and extend the lifespan of organisms. While this is an exciting and ongoing topic, we provenly know that resveratrol can help with PCOS and menopause, as well as protect your cardiovascular system. 

Benefits of Trans-Resveratrol
  • Resveratrol is a strong plant antioxidant capable of neutralizing oxidative stress effects. 
  • Resveratrol can protect post-menopausal women from losing bone density and reduce inflammation in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. 
  • Taking resveratrol may have a similar effect to calorie restriction in obese people, and it can offer cardioprotective benefits. 
Efficacy Studies
  • A 2020 clinical trial done by Wong et al. showed that regular supplementation with 75 mg of resveratrol twice daily has the potential to slow bone loss in post-menopausal women. 
  • In a study of 40 patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, done by Brenjian et al. in 2020, it was shown that taking 800 mg of resveratrol per day for 40 days can significantly reduce inflammation and stress markers.
  • In a 2012 study, Tomé-Carneiro et al. tested the effects of taking a grape extract supplement containing resveratrol on patients undergoing primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Patients who took 350 mg of the resveratrol-enriched grape extract for 6 months had a decreased level of "bad" fats in the blood, particularly their LDL and oxidized LDL concentrations. 
  • A 2011 study by Timmers et al. demonstrated that 30 days of resveratrol supplementation of 150 mg/day mimics the effects of calorie restriction in obese humans.
Schnelle Lieferung & problemlose Rückgaben
  • Versand: Alle Bestellungen werden mit Priorität, Sendungsverfolgung und Versicherung versendet. Die meisten Sendungen treffen innerhalb von zwei bis vier Tagen bei dir zu Hause ein. Bitte überprüfe unsere Seite mit den Versandrichtlinien, um zu sehen, wie lange eine Sendung in dein Land dauert.
  • Rücksendungen: Wenn Sie Ihre Meinung ändern oder mit Ihrer Bestellung nicht zufrieden sind, lassen Sie es uns wissen, und wir senden Ihnen ein Rücksendeetikett zu und erstatten Ihnen den Kaufpreis, sobald die Rücksendung in unserem Versandzentrum eingeht. Die Bearbeitung von Rücksendungen dauert höchstens 1 bis 2 Wochen.
  • Die Lagerung erfolgt gemäß den bewährten GMP-Verfahren in einer Einrichtung mit niedriger Luftfeuchtigkeit, <25 °C und bei Bedarf gekühlt.
  • Ein zertifiziertes Labor für Lebensmittel- und chemische Analysen (BAV Institut) hat jede bei uns eingegangene Lieferung getestet, um zu bestätigen, dass die Reinheit den Angaben entspricht. Bitte beachte die Laboranalyse in unserem Produktbild-Slider.
  • Hergestellt und zertifiziert gemäß ISO 9001, HALAL und Koscher.
  • Augment Life legt Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit. Alle Entscheidungen in Bezug auf Lieferung, Verpackung und Betrieb wurden getroffen, um Abfall und CO2-Fußabdruck zu reduzieren und sicherzustellen, dass wir uns um unseren Planeten kümmern.
  • Dieses Produkt hat einen CO2-Fußabdruck von 188 Gramm.
  • Dies ist eine zu 100 % biologisch abbaubare Verpackung aus Papier. Hergestellt aus nachhaltigen und verantwortungsvollen Quellen. Behalte die Dosen zur Aufbewahrung von Büroklammern auf oder bastle etwas damit. Wenn sie in einem Fluss, im Meer oder auf einer Mülldeponie landen, werden sie sich in wenigen Monaten zersetzen und Teil des Bodens und der Natur werden. Im Gegensatz zu Plastik, das Tausende von Jahren in unseren Gewässern und auf Mülldeponien verbleiben wird.
Vollständige Details anzeigen

What our customers are saying about us:

Features of Our Trans-Resveratrol Powder

Quality Assurance

Our supplements are produced according to the highest standards in the food supplement industy. With ISO 9001 and ISO 2200 the world leading standards for process management, and precision are maintained to insure you receive the highest quality, purest materials possible.

And to be sure no mistakes have been made, Augment Life sends all its supplements to third-party certified laboratories to verify the purity and quality is as expected.

When to Consume

Ideally at morning time.

How to Consume

Best consumed with lipids (ex: oils, butters, animal protein).




Color: White

Package Contents: Powder

Packaging Dimensions

Package Size: 10 cm width x 15 cm height

30 Day Return Policy

To Report A Return:

Please make a ticket for a Return Report on our customer support page or send us an email.

Damaged Products:

If you believe your supplement has been damaged we offer a free return in the first 14 calendar days from your original order placement date.

Wrong Item:

If you ordered the wrong item, let us know as soon as possible. To order the correct item, please place a new order. To get a refund for your original order, once we have been notified we'll try to cancel your shipment and send out a new one as soon as possible. If the first product ordered is already en-route, you'll need to send it back as soon as it arrives. Once it has reached our restocking facility we'll be happy to refund your payment to the original payment method used.

Not What You Hoped For

If none of the other issues above applies to your return reason, please explain as best as possible and we'll do our best to find a solution.

Return Shipping Labels

We cannot promise to cover return shipment costs, depending on the order value and issue with your order, we'll do our best to cover your shipment costs.

  • Quality Assurance

    3rd party tested for purity and safety.

  • Risk Free

    100% refund on returns.

  • Quality Management

    Made with ISO 9001 and GMP practices.

  • Efficacy

    Our supplements all are proven to have results.

  • Sustainable

    Our supplies and processes are sustainable.

  • Vegan

    Non-animal based.

  • Gluten Free

    Free of gluten and trace elements.

1 von 7
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