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Nicotinamidmononukleotid - 250 mg - 99% renhed - NMN

Nicotinamidmononukleotid - 250 mg - 99% renhed - NMN

10 anmeldelser i alt

Normalpris 283,00 kr
Normalpris Udsalgspris 283,00 kr
Udsalg Udsolgt

Leder du efter en praktisk og effektiv måde at optimere dit DNA på og øge NAD+-niveauet? 99 % rent nikotinamidmononukleotid (NMN), en forløber for NAD+, har vist sig at øge NR og NAD+, som understøtter SIRT2-genernes korrekte funktion.

Hurtig levering og problemfri returnering

  • Forsendelse: Alle ordrer sendes med prioritet, sporing og forsikring. 
  • Returnering: Hvis du ombestemmer dig eller er utilfreds med din ordre, så lad os det vide, så sender vi dig en returlabel og refunderer din betaling ved returneringens ankomst til vores forsendelsesanlæg. Det tager højst 1 til 2 uger at behandle en returnering.


  • Opbevares i henhold til bedste praksis; på køl og ved lav luftfugtighed. Sendes i temperaturregulerende isolering for at sikre, at renheden forbliver på sit højeste lige til din dør.
  • Et certificeret fødevare- og kemisk analyselaboratorium har testet alle forsendelser, vi har modtaget, for at bekræfte, at renheden er som påstået. Bemærk venligst laboratoriets analyseerklæring i vores slider med produktbilleder.
  • Produceret og certificeret i henhold til ISO 9001, HALAL og Kosher.


  • Augment Life bekymrer sig om bæredygtighed. Alle beslutninger om levering, emballering og drift er truffet for at reducere affald, CO2-fodaftryk og sikre, at vi passer på vores planet.
  • En pakke med 60 NMN-kapsler har et CO2-fodaftryk på 188 gram.
  • Dette er 100 % biologisk nedbrydelig emballage i papirrør. Fremstillet af bæredygtige og ansvarlige kilder. Behold røret til opbevaring af papirclips, eller lav et håndværksprojekt med dem. Hvis de ender i en flod, i havet eller på en losseplads, opløses de i løbet af få måneder og bliver en del af jorden og naturen. I modsætning til plastik, som vil være i vores farvande og på lossepladser i tusindvis af år.


Vores NMN er 99 % rent. Det er den aktive ingrediens, der fremmer og øger NAD+-niveauerne, den vigtige ingrediens, der er nødvendig for at forbedre og bevare sundt DNA. Som en del af en afbalanceret kost kan det hjælpe med at sætte gang i stofskiftet og øge energiniveauet.

Hvis du vil vide mere om NMN og have opdateringer, når der offentliggøres undersøgelser og mere forskning, kan du skrive dig på vores mailingliste for at få besked.

Fordele ved nikotinamidmononukleotid:

Nylige undersøgelser af effekten:

  • Kronisk NMN-tilskud hæver NAD-niveauet i blodet og ændrer muskelfunktionen hos raske ældre mænd. 250 mg NMN om dagen til ældre mænd i 6 eller 12 uger i et placebokontrolleret, randomiseret, dobbeltblindt forsøg https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35927255/

Fast Delivery & Hassle Free Returns

  • Shipping: All orders are shipped with priority, tracking, and insurance. Most shipments take between two and four days to arrive at your door. Please check our shipping policy page to see how long a shipment to your country will take.
  • Returns: If you change your mind or are unsatisfied with your order, let us know, and we'll send you a return label and refund your payment once the return arrives at our shipping facility. Returns take 1 to 2 weeks at most to process.

Quality Assurance

  • Stored according to GMP best practices, in a facility with low humidity, <25C, refrigeration as required.
  • A certified food and chemical analysis lab (BAV Institut) has tested every shipment we received to confirm the purity is as claimed. Please note the lab statement of analysis in our product images slider.
  • Produced and certified according to ISO 9001, HALAL, and Kosher.


  • Augment Life cares about sustainability. All supply, packaging, and operational decisions have been made to reduce waste, CO2 footprint, and ensure we take care of our planet.
  • This product has a CO2 footprint of 188 grams.
  • This is 100% biodegradable, paper tube, packaging. Made from sustainable and responsible sources. Keep the tube for storing paperclips, or make a craft project with them. If they end up in a river, or the sea, or a landfill they will disintegrate in a few months and become part of the soil and nature. Unlike plastic which will be in our waters and landfills for thousands of years.
Se komplette oplysninger

What our customers say about us:

Features of Our Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Capsules

Quality Assurance

Our supplements are produced according to the highest standards in the food supplement industry. With ISO 9001, ISO 22000, and HALAL the world leading standards for process management, and precision are maintained to insure you receive the highest quality, purest materials possible.

And to be sure no mistakes have been made, Augment Life sends all its supplements to third-party certified laboratories to verify the purity and quality is as expected.

When to Consume

Ideally at morning time

How to Consume

With water




15 gram tube: contains 60 capsules.

Each capsule is 250 mg.

Capsules: white vegetable based gel.

Capsule Contents: 99.9% Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, no additives.

Packaging Dimensions

15 gram tube size: 50 mm diameter x 100 mm height.

30 Day Return Policy

To Report A Return:

Please make a ticket for a Return Report on our customer support page or send us an email.

Damaged Products:

If you believe your supplement has been damaged we offer a free return in the first 14 calendar days from your original order placement date.

Wrong Item:

If you ordered the wrong item, let us know as soon as possible. To order the correct item, please place a new order. To get a refund for your original order, once we have been notified we'll try to cancel your shipment and send out a new one as soon as possible. If the first product ordered is already en-route, you'll need to send it back as soon as it arrives. Once it has reached our restocking facility we'll be happy to refund your payment to the original payment method used.

Not What You Hoped For:

If none of the other issues above applies to your return reason, please explain as best as possible and we'll do our best to find a solution.

Return Shipping Labels:

Once your return is reported we'll send you a return shipping label. Depending on the reason for your return and the original order we may cover the cost of the return.

  • Risk Free

    100% refund on returns.

  • Quality Assurance

    3rd party tested for purity and safety.

  • Quality Management

    Made with ISO 9001 and GMP practices.

  • Efficacy

    Our supplements all are proven to have results.

  • Sustainable

    Our supplies and processes are sustainable.

  • Vegan

    Non-animal based.

  • Gluten Free

    Free of gluten and trace elements.

1 af 7
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