Shipping Policies

Where we ship:

DHL and UPS are our logistics partners for worldwide shipping. We are transitioning from DHL to UPS completely this Spring. We've shipped thousands of packages worldwide without issue. And when a package is returned, delivered to the wrong person, or stuck in customs we'll make sure to solve this as quickly as possible to your satisfaction.

  • Within Europe we ship freely. We also ship to non-EU European countries. See our customs policy below. 
  • World-Wide: Outside of Europe including countries in Asia, Africa, the Americas and Pacific Islands region. If you want to confirm that we can ship to you please send us an email at and we'll be happy to verify your location.

Shipping Timeframes 

(Based on experience, as we learn more about UPS we will update these timeframes. These are NOT guarantees):

  • 2 - 5 working days: France, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Germany, Austria.
  • 3 - 7 working days: Finland, Spain, Italy, Ireland.
  • 4 - 10 workings days: Portugal, Greece, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary.
  • 7 - 14 working days: Serbia, UK, Norway, and other Non-EU European countries.
  • 10 - 20 working days: Countries outside of Europe.

    Shipping Rates

    • Our shipping rates are based on DHL's and UPS's International shipping rates. They are the lowest in Europe and increase for destinations outside of Europe. The highest rates being for remote countries with smaller logistics infrastructure. If you don't want to pay for shipping we encourage you to contact us directly about your location and order, we can usually work out a fair price without shipping for larger quantities.

    Shipping Help

    I need to change the address I gave on the order.

    • Changing your shipping address is only possible immediately after placing the order and can, in some cases, be unchangeable even minutes after you have placed you order depending on the time of day and current shipping volume we are processing.
    • If your shipment has been fulfilled and given a tracking ID it is too late to the change the shipping address. 
    • If your haven't received a shipment notification email it is usually still possible to change the address. Please send us an email ASAP with the correct address. 
    • Once the shipment is in the DHL logistics network (has a tracking ID) we cannot change the address, we can only wait for the package to be returned and then send it out again with a corrected address, if you wish to do so.

    The shipment says it was delivered but I didn't get the package.

    • In most of these cases the courier attempted to deliver the package to the address on your order but  no one was there/no one opened the door, there was no neighbor to leave the package with etc. The next step typically, is the package will be taken to the nearest post office or a pick-up location (such as a nearby participating DHL store) and the package will be left there for your pick up. If a delivery notification wasn't left at your mailbox, and the online shipment log doesn't say where the package has been left, please call the local DHL or UPS branch and ask them depending on which shipper your package is with.
    • If the package is confirmed delivered and you do not have it and none of your neighbors have it. Please get in touch, we'll resolve for you ASAP.

    What if my package doesn't make it to me?

    • DHL has 10 business days to deliver the shipment, after this time you have a right to claim the package as lost and DHL's terms of service claim they will refund the value of the package contents and the cost of the shipment.
    • If your package cannot be shipped and is returned, we will refund your payment, provided that evidence of the package being returned to us is verified.