Laura Lam, B.A., BHsc (Človeška Prehrana), Grad Dip (Javno Zdravje)

Laura Lam, B.A., BHsc (Človeška Prehrana), Grad Dip (Javno Zdravje)
Laura je pisateljica z akademskim ozadjem na področju človeške prehrane in javnega zdravja. Navdušena je nad znanstvenim komuniciranjem in zdravjem prebivalstva ter uporablja svoje znanje za prevajanje znanstvenih odkritij v dostopno vsebino, ki posameznikom omogoča sprejemanje informiranih odločitev o njihovem zdravju. Njeno poslanstvo je spodbujati večje razumevanje pomena prehrane in življenjskih odločitev pri promociji zdravja in dobrega počutja med njenimi bralci. Nekatera njena raziskovalna področja vključujejo prehransko epidemiologijo, nutrigenomiko, športno prehrano in nutracevtike.

Articles by Laura:


    • Why should I take Glutathione? Health benefits and disease prevention

      Why should I take Glutathione? Health benefits ...

      Angela Patricia Franca

      Environmental factors such as pollution, ultraviolet radiation, and exposure to mutagenic and carcinogenic agents can damage body cells by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS), which leads to oxidative stress. Thus,...

      Why should I take Glutathione? Health benefits ...

      Angela Patricia Franca

      Environmental factors such as pollution, ultraviolet radiation, and exposure to mutagenic and carcinogenic agents can damage body cells by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS), which leads to oxidative stress. Thus,...

    • What is Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)?

      What is Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)?

      Laura Jurić

      Andrew Huberman, Ph. D., a neuroscientist and tenured professor at Stanford School of Medicine, created the term non-sleep deep rest (NSDR). Keep reading the article and find out what NSDR...

      What is Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)?

      Laura Jurić

      Andrew Huberman, Ph. D., a neuroscientist and tenured professor at Stanford School of Medicine, created the term non-sleep deep rest (NSDR). Keep reading the article and find out what NSDR...

    • What are the benefits of methionine supplementation?

      What are the benefits of methionine supplementa...

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      Methionine is one of nine essential amino acids that you need to take in through food and supplements. It's found in protein-rich foods like eggs, meat, and fish, and it's...

      What are the benefits of methionine supplementa...

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      Methionine is one of nine essential amino acids that you need to take in through food and supplements. It's found in protein-rich foods like eggs, meat, and fish, and it's...

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