Laura Lam, B.A., BHsc (Človeška Prehrana), Grad Dip (Javno Zdravje)

Laura Lam, B.A., BHsc (Človeška Prehrana), Grad Dip (Javno Zdravje)
Laura je pisateljica z akademskim ozadjem na področju človeške prehrane in javnega zdravja. Navdušena je nad znanstvenim komuniciranjem in zdravjem prebivalstva ter uporablja svoje znanje za prevajanje znanstvenih odkritij v dostopno vsebino, ki posameznikom omogoča sprejemanje informiranih odločitev o njihovem zdravju. Njeno poslanstvo je spodbujati večje razumevanje pomena prehrane in življenjskih odločitev pri promociji zdravja in dobrega počutja med njenimi bralci. Nekatera njena raziskovalna področja vključujejo prehransko epidemiologijo, nutrigenomiko, športno prehrano in nutracevtike.

Articles by Laura:


    • Do age tests work?

      Do age tests work?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      How do biological age tests work, and what do they measure? More importantly, how much do age tests cost and how accurate are they? Does the information you get on...

      Do age tests work?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      How do biological age tests work, and what do they measure? More importantly, how much do age tests cost and how accurate are they? Does the information you get on...

    • What is the best way to take Spermidine?

      What is the best way to take Spermidine?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      The human body's spermidine levels depend on internal production, either by cells or gut bacteria, and external sources from diet or supplementation. If you are looking to maximize the effects...

      What is the best way to take Spermidine?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      The human body's spermidine levels depend on internal production, either by cells or gut bacteria, and external sources from diet or supplementation. If you are looking to maximize the effects...

    • Which supplements does Bryan Johnson take for optimal health and longevity?

      Which supplements does Bryan Johnson take for o...

      Angela Patricia Franca

      Are you curious about what supplements Bryan Johnson takes, why he takes them, and what dosages are involved? Keep reading this article!

      Which supplements does Bryan Johnson take for o...

      Angela Patricia Franca

      Are you curious about what supplements Bryan Johnson takes, why he takes them, and what dosages are involved? Keep reading this article!

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