Chris Bellanger BHSc

Chris Bellanger BHSc
Chris Bellanger ~ Ernæringsmedicin (BHSc), forsker i evidensbaseret integrativ medicin, wellness-brandkonsulent Med en 25+ år lang passion for naturmedicin, holistisk sundhed, bæredygtigt landbrug og velgørenhedsarbejde bringer Chris sit unikke perspektiv til AugmentLife, hvor han er i stand til at dele sin passion for forskning i evidensbaseret integrativ og ernæringsmæssig medicin. Før han opnåede sin BHSc i ernæringsmedicin, fik Chris certifikater i en lang række discipliner, herunder havebrug/permakultur, fitness, akupressur, urte- og mind-body-medicin, iridologi og meget mere.


  • Antioxidants
  • Flavinoid
  • Polyphenol
  • Quercetin
  • Supplements
  • Aging
  • Anti-Wrinkle
  • Benefits
  • Collagen
  • Efficacy
  • nutrition
  • Skin Health
  • How does our diet influence the bioavailability of supplements?

    How does our diet influence the bioavailability...

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  • How does insulin affect your lifespan?

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    The question of longevity, or extending human lifespan, is a difficult one to answer. There are multiple factors that influence aging, through different molecular pathways and metabolisms. One of the molecules that influences...

    How does insulin affect your lifespan?

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    The question of longevity, or extending human lifespan, is a difficult one to answer. There are multiple factors that influence aging, through different molecular pathways and metabolisms. One of the molecules that influences...

  • Are AMPK and mTOR pathways the molecular key to longevity?

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    Are you a longevity enthusiast who would like to know more about the intricate pathways that happen in our cells? Are the words "mitochondrial theory of aging" and "oxidative stress"...

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    Are AMPK and mTOR pathways the molecular key to...

    Kristina Zuna

    Are you a longevity enthusiast who would like to know more about the intricate pathways that happen in our cells? Are the words "mitochondrial theory of aging" and "oxidative stress"...

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