Dexter Puckett, PhD

Dexter Puckett, PhD
Toujours optimiste, Dexter a la capacité unique de voir le bon côté des choses, même dans les pires situations. De ses années passées en Asie du Sud-Est à ses longues nuits dans le laboratoire à chercher les secrets du métabolisme du cancer, rien dans la vie de Dexter n’a été ordinaire. Aventurier dans l’âme, son état d’esprit l’a poussé à explorer continuellement les mystères de notre monde. Lorsqu’il n’enseigne pas, ne coache pas, ne fait pas de recherches ou ne crée pas, Dexter adore rester actif et pratiquer des sports. En tant que chercheur, il a publié des travaux sur les composés phytochimiques, les suppléments, le métabolisme et l’oncogenèse.


Research Gate

Articles by Dexter:


    • Finding the ideal routine: How to take glutathione?

      Finding the ideal routine: How to take glutathi...

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      In this article, we’ll look at the best way to take glutathione and key considerations for its safe and effective use.

      Finding the ideal routine: How to take glutathi...

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      In this article, we’ll look at the best way to take glutathione and key considerations for its safe and effective use.

    • How much glutathione should I take?

      How much glutathione should I take?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      How much glutathione should you take, and what's glutathione's maximum dosage per day? Keep reading and find out. 

      How much glutathione should I take?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      How much glutathione should you take, and what's glutathione's maximum dosage per day? Keep reading and find out. 

    • Do age tests work?

      Do age tests work?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      How do biological age tests work, and what do they measure? More importantly, how much do age tests cost and how accurate are they? Does the information you get on...

      Do age tests work?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      How do biological age tests work, and what do they measure? More importantly, how much do age tests cost and how accurate are they? Does the information you get on...

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