Un emprendedor obsesionado con la salud durante toda su vida. Thomas ha estado estudiando y practicando ciencias sobre estilos de vida saludables desde que era un adolescente. Ha sido cofundador de empresas respaldadas por inversores, incluida una plataforma médico-paciente en línea en Alemania, director general de una empresa de pruebas en el hogar con sede en EE. UU. que también vende suplementos, y es el fundador original de Augment Life. Thomas tiene una Licenciatura en Artes y un MBA.
How do biological age tests work, and what do they measure? More importantly, how much do age tests cost and how accurate are they? Does the information you get on...
How do biological age tests work, and what do they measure? More importantly, how much do age tests cost and how accurate are they? Does the information you get on...
The human body's spermidine levels depend on internal production, either by cells or gut bacteria, and external sources from diet or supplementation. If you are looking to maximize the effects...
The human body's spermidine levels depend on internal production, either by cells or gut bacteria, and external sources from diet or supplementation. If you are looking to maximize the effects...