Že od nekdaj zdravju predan podjetnik. Thomas se ukvarja s preučevanjem in prakticiranjem znanosti o zdravem življenjskem slogu že od najstniških let. Bil je soustanovitelj podjetij, podprtih s strani investitorjev, vključno s spletno platformo za zdravnike in paciente v Nemčiji, direktor podjetja za domače testiranje s sedežem v ZDA, ki je prav tako prodajalo prehranska dopolnila, ter je originalni ustanovitelj Augment Life. Thomas ima diplomo iz umetnosti in MBA.
How much truth is there to the anti-antioxidant role of milk and other dairy products when it comes to eating plant-derived foods? Keep reading and find out.
How much truth is there to the anti-antioxidant role of milk and other dairy products when it comes to eating plant-derived foods? Keep reading and find out.
In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for brain health, memory preservation, and brain damage prevention. We’ll also look at how to include these essential fats into...
In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for brain health, memory preservation, and brain damage prevention. We’ll also look at how to include these essential fats into...
Želite izvedeti več o tem, kaj počne Bryan Johnson, da bi obrnil proces staranja? Berite naprej in odkrijte njegovo točno dnevno rutino, ki jo je poimenoval "Project Blueprint".
Želite izvedeti več o tem, kaj počne Bryan Johnson, da bi obrnil proces staranja? Berite naprej in odkrijte njegovo točno dnevno rutino, ki jo je poimenoval "Project Blueprint".