Chris Bellanger BHSc

Chris Bellanger BHSc
Chris Bellanger ~ Prehranska medicina (BHSc), raziskovalec na področju integrativne medicine, svetovalec za wellness blagovne znamke Chris s svojo več kot 25-letno strastjo do naravne medicine, celostnega zdravja, trajnostnega kmetijstva in dobrodelnega dela prinaša svojo edinstveno perspektivo v AugmentLife, kjer lahko deli svojo strast do raziskovanja dokazano podprte integrativne in prehranske medicine. Preden je pridobil BHSc iz prehranske medicine, je Chris pridobil certifikate na širokem spektru disciplin, vključno s hortikulturo/permakulturo, fitnesom, akupresuro, zeliščno in miselno-telesno medicino, iridologijo in še več.

Articles by Chris:


    • Is Bryan Johnson's routine working?

      Is Bryan Johnson's routine working?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      The thing we all want to know is does Bryan Johnson's routine really make a difference? Do all the procedures and strict rules Bryan follows have an effect on his health and...

      Is Bryan Johnson's routine working?

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      The thing we all want to know is does Bryan Johnson's routine really make a difference? Do all the procedures and strict rules Bryan follows have an effect on his health and...

    • Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) – Benefits, Safety, and Side Effects

      Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) – Benefits, Safety, a...

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      This article explores what is AKG, how it functions, the potential benefits of AKG supplements, the most common doses in clinical trials, and any associated safety concerns.

      Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) – Benefits, Safety, a...

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      This article explores what is AKG, how it functions, the potential benefits of AKG supplements, the most common doses in clinical trials, and any associated safety concerns.

    • Does Ashwagandha Help With MTHFR and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

      Ali Ashwagandha pomaga pri MTHFR in sindromu kr...

      Angela Patricia Franca

      Ta članek bo raziskal znanstveno podprte koristi Ashwagandhe, zlasti za tiste s sindromom kronične utrujenosti ali mutacijami gena MTHFR.

      Ali Ashwagandha pomaga pri MTHFR in sindromu kr...

      Angela Patricia Franca

      Ta članek bo raziskal znanstveno podprte koristi Ashwagandhe, zlasti za tiste s sindromom kronične utrujenosti ali mutacijami gena MTHFR.

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