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Grüntee-Extrakt – 250 mg Kapseln – 40 % EGCG – Camellia Sinensis L.

Grüntee-Extrakt – 250 mg Kapseln – 40 % EGCG – Camellia Sinensis L.

1 Bewertungen insgesamt

Normaler Preis €15,50
Normaler Preis Verkaufspreis €15,50
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About Green Tea Extract

Discover the ancient goodness of Green Tea Extract (GTE), sourced from the Camellia sinensis plant dating back to 200 BC. GTE, renowned for its versatility, is a concentrated powerhouse of antioxidants, promoting heart health, weight management, and cognitive enhancement. Backed by studies, it may reduce cancer risk and improve skin vitality. Watch your daily caffeine intake, with 400 mg deemed safe by the FDA. Elevate your well-being with the incredible advantages of Green Tea Extract.

Product Specifications
  • Capsules: 60 or 180
  • Capsule material: HPMC (vegetable glucose)
  • Contents: Camellia Senesis L. (Green Tea Extract)
  • Active Ingredients: 98% Polyphenols, 40% EGCG
  • Capsule sizes: 250 mg
  • Container: FSC-certified, responsibly-sourced paper tube (plastic-free)
  • Container dimensions:
    -60 capsule: 5 cm (diameter), 10 cm (height)
    -180 capsule: 7 cm (diameter), 13 cm (height)
  • Labels: Coated paper (faster biodegrading)
Benefits of Green Tea Extract
  • Caffeine content makes it a common ingredient in energy drinks, while decaffeinated GTE enhances exercise performance, resulting in a 10.9% improvement.
  • Rich in antioxidants, GTE lowers inflammatory markers and reduces blood pressure. Studies show improved cholesterol levels with daily supplementation.
  • Catechins and caffeine in GTE increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation. It plays a role in controlling body composition through sympathetic activation.
  • EGCG improves cognitive functions, memory, and attention. It enhances brain connectivity, leading to better cognitive performance.
  • The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of GTE benefit the skin. Decaffeinated GTE supplementation shows improvements in acne.
  • Polyphenols in GTE help maintain the balance in cell production, reducing the risk of cancer.
  • Studies suggest GTE may help prevent type 2 diabetes and obesity. Regular green tea consumption is linked to a 33% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Efficacy Studies
  • Green tea extract reduces blood pressure, inflammatory biomarkers, and oxidative stress and improves parameters associated with insulin resistance in obese, hypertensive patients. Nutrition research (New York, N.Y.), 32(6), 421–427. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nutres.2012.05.007
  • Green tea extract enhances parieto-frontal connectivity during working memory processing. Psychopharmacology, 231(19), 3879–3888. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00213-014-3526-1
  • Efficacy of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 70(6), 1040–1045. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/70.6.1040
  • Green tea extract enhances parieto-frontal connectivity during working memory processing. Psychopharmacology, 231(19), 3879–3888. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00213-014-3526-1 
Hitra dostava in enostavne vračila
  •  Pošiljanje: Vsa naročila so poslana s prednostno obravnavo, sledenjem in zavarovanjem. Večina pošiljk prispe na vaš naslov v dveh do štirih dneh. Za več informacij o času dostave v vašo državo obiščite našo stran s politiko pošiljanja.
  • Vračila: Če spremenite mnenje ali niste zadovoljni z naročilom, nas obvestite in poslali vam bomo nalepko za vračilo. Vračilo vašega plačila bomo izvedli takoj, ko bo pošiljka prispela v našo dostavno enoto. Obdelava vračil traja največ 1 do 2 tedna.
Zagotavljanje kakovosti
  • Shranjeno v skladu z najboljšimi praksami GMP, v prostoru z nizko vlažnostjo, pri temperaturi <25°C, s hlajenjem po potrebi.
  • Vsako pošiljko je testiral certificiran laboratorij za prehransko in kemijsko analizo (BAV Institut), da potrdi navedeno čistost. Prosimo, da si ogledate laboratorijsko izjavo o analizi v naši galeriji slik izdelka.
  • Izdelek je proizveden in certificiran v skladu z ISO 9001, HALAL in Kosher standardi.
  • Augment Life skrbi za trajnost. Vse odločitve glede dobave, embalaže in poslovanja so sprejete z namenom zmanjšanja odpadkov in ogljičnega odtisa ter zagotavljanja varovanja našega planeta.
  • Ta izdelek ima ogljični odtis 188 gramov.
  • Embalaža je 100% biorazgradljiva in narejena iz papirnate tube iz trajnostnih in odgovornih virov. Tuba je primerna za shranjevanje sponk ali za ustvarjanje različnih izdelkov. Če pristane v reki, morju ali na odlagališču, se bo v nekaj mesecih razgradila in postala del prsti in narave, za razliko od plastike, ki bo v naših vodah in odlagališčih ostala tisoče let.
Vollständige Details anzeigen

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Features of Our Green Tea Extract Capsules

Zagotavljanje kakovosti

Naši prehranski dodatki so proizvedeni v skladu z najvišjimi standardi v industriji prehranskih dodatkov. Z uporabo standardov ISO 9001 in ISO 22000, svetovnih vodilnih standardov za upravljanje procesov, zagotavljamo natančnost in kakovost, da vam dostavimo materiale najvišje kakovosti in čistoče.

Da bi zagotovili, da niso bile narejene nobene napake, podjetje Augment Life pošlje vse svoje prehranske dodatke v laboratorije tretjih oseb z veljavnim certifikatom, kjer se preveri čistoča in kakovost izdelkov.

When to Consume

Ideally at morning time. Avoid after 12 pm.

How to Consume

With water


None, while in capsule.


Tube: 1 tube contains 60 capsules, each capsule is 250 mg.

Capsules: Clear vegetable based.

Capsule Contents: Pure Camellia Sinensis L. 40% ECGC

Packaging Dimensions

Tube Size: 70 mm diameter x 130 mm height.

30 Day Return Policy

To Report A Return:

Please make a ticket for a Return Report on our customer support page. Or send us an email.

Damaged Products:

If you believe your supplement has been damaged we offer a free return in the first 30 calendar days from your original order placement date.

Wrong Item:

If you ordered the wrong item, let us know as soon as possible. To order the correct item, please place a new order. To get a refund for your original order, once we have been notified we'll try to cancel your shipment and send out a new one as soon as possible. If the first product ordered is already en-route, you'll need to send it back as soon as it arrives. Once it has reached our restocking facility we'll be happy to refund your payment to the original payment method used.

Not What You Hoped For:

If none of the other issues above applies to your return reason, please explain as best as possible and we'll do our best to find a solution.

Return Shipping Labels:

Once your return is reported we'll send you a return shipping label. Depending on the reason for your return and the original order we may cover the cost of the return.

  • Risk Free

    100% refund on returns.

  • Quality Assurance

    3rd party tested for purity and safety.

  • Quality Management

    Made with ISO 9001 and GMP practices.

  • Efficacy

    Our supplements all are proven to have results.

  • Sustainable

    Our supplies and processes are sustainable.

  • Vegan

    Non-animal based.

  • Gluten Free

    Free of gluten and trace elements.

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