Thomas Hillard

Thomas Hillard
Že od nekdaj zdravju predan podjetnik. Thomas se ukvarja s preučevanjem in prakticiranjem znanosti o zdravem življenjskem slogu že od najstniških let. Bil je soustanovitelj podjetij, podprtih s strani investitorjev, vključno s spletno platformo za zdravnike in paciente v Nemčiji, direktor podjetja za domače testiranje s sedežem v ZDA, ki je prav tako prodajalo prehranska dopolnila, ter je originalni ustanovitelj Augment Life. Thomas ima diplomo iz umetnosti in MBA.

Articles by Thomas:


    • Lysine: health benefits and its impact on diseases prevention and quality of life

      Lysine: health benefits and its impact on disea...

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      Because it supports growth, repair, and general health, lysine is essential to the body's functions and well-being. Discover all the benefits of lysine by reading this article.

      Lysine: health benefits and its impact on disea...

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      Because it supports growth, repair, and general health, lysine is essential to the body's functions and well-being. Discover all the benefits of lysine by reading this article.

    • Why should you take leucine?

      Why should you take leucine?

      Laura Jurić

      Leucine is essential for protein synthesis, muscle growth, and repair. It particularly benefits athletes and individuals looking to enhance muscle growth and recovery. Keep reading and find out why you...

      Why should you take leucine?

      Laura Jurić

      Leucine is essential for protein synthesis, muscle growth, and repair. It particularly benefits athletes and individuals looking to enhance muscle growth and recovery. Keep reading and find out why you...

    • Lessons from Blue Zones - Longevity Promoting Habits

      Lessons from Blue Zones - Longevity Promoting H...

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      Blue zones are special geographical areas of the world where people tend to live much longer than the average. These areas see more 100-year-olds than any other place in the...

      Lessons from Blue Zones - Longevity Promoting H...

      Kristina Knezovic Zuna

      Blue zones are special geographical areas of the world where people tend to live much longer than the average. These areas see more 100-year-olds than any other place in the...

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