Dr. Angela Patricia França

Dr. Angela Patricia França
Nevroznanstvenica, raziskovalka, medicinska in znanstvena pisateljica ter mati. Navdušena sem nad učenjem in deljenjem znanja. Verjamem v znanost in znanstveno komunikacijo kot način za izboljšanje zdravja in dobrega počutja ljudi.


Research Gate


  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • amyloid-β
  • Cognitive Decline
  • Dementia
  • hypertension
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • obesity
  • Resveratrol
  • Benefits
  • Cognitive Impairment
  • Dementia
  • Efficacy
  • Memory Performance
  • Resveratrol
  • Why is TMG needed with NMN?

    Why is TMG needed with NMN?

    Kristina Zuna

    If you are a longevity enthusiast, you probably already know about nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation. You possibly also know about trimethylglycine (TMG) supplements. It seems that both of those should be taken together, but do...

    Why is TMG needed with NMN?

    Kristina Zuna

    If you are a longevity enthusiast, you probably already know about nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation. You possibly also know about trimethylglycine (TMG) supplements. It seems that both of those should be taken together, but do...

  • How does our diet influence the bioavailability of supplements?

    How does our diet influence the bioavailability...

    Kristina Zuna

    Our diet can greatly impact the effectiveness of supplements we take, by either increasing or decreasing its absorption and bioavailability. The question is how we can use this knowledge to avoid losing...

    How does our diet influence the bioavailability...

    Kristina Zuna

    Our diet can greatly impact the effectiveness of supplements we take, by either increasing or decreasing its absorption and bioavailability. The question is how we can use this knowledge to avoid losing...

  • How does insulin affect your lifespan?

    Kako insulin vpliva na vašo življenjsko dobo?

    Kristina Zuna

    Na vprašanje dolgoživosti ali podaljšanja življenjske dobe človeka je težko odgovoriti. Na staranje vplivajo številni dejavniki prek različnih molekularnih poti in metabolizmov. Ena od molekul, ki zagotovo vpliva na staranje,...

    Kako insulin vpliva na vašo življenjsko dobo?

    Kristina Zuna

    Na vprašanje dolgoživosti ali podaljšanja življenjske dobe človeka je težko odgovoriti. Na staranje vplivajo številni dejavniki prek različnih molekularnih poti in metabolizmov. Ena od molekul, ki zagotovo vpliva na staranje,...

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